All of Us, Juneville’s third album, deals with the disappearing of memories and the preciouness of the time we have. Both personal and universal, songwriter and singer Pieter Nabbe reflects in nine short stories on time. The title track tells his experience with informal care and loss; New York City brings back his memories durring his stay in Brooklyn years ago. I Remember Everything is the only cover on the album, written by John Prine.

The music, written by Pieter Nabbe and guitarist Bart Spierings is, like their debut In The Garden, melancholy and delicately arranged, and shifts from americana to country.

Singer Marieke Voshart-Bakker makes a special appearance as backing vocalist; with her angelic voice she adds extra emotional depth to songs such as Someday and Rain Will Fall Again.

All of Us was recorded with producer and renowned guitarist BJ Baartmans.

Press Quotes

‘Juneville: the best kept secret from Nijmegen between Frank Boeijen and De Staat.’

OOR, Henk Tummers (voormalig redacteur)


‘Madrugada and Nick Cave are of some importance,but first and foremost it turned out be a sublime record with a wide variety of songs.’

MANIA, Erik Mundt


“Vocally as well as musically this album is a fine job. Without too much fuss. Thats how the lyrics of Nabbe get the space they deserve […] The narrator uses – almost as in Jerzy Kosinski’s calssic novel “Being There” – the garden as a metaphor for life, death and living on stronger and wiser. That’s how Nijmegen based Juneville has created something extraordinary beautiful out of “The voice of singer Pieter Nabbe is dark, captivating and strong. His songs are outstanding and are hard te relate to any kind of genre.’

KINDAMUZIK, Niels Steeghs


[Juneville] ‘did a splendid job adding something beautiful of its own to the legacy of popmusic.’

[Juneville has] ‘bent the achievements of pop music to its own insight and added something beautiful.’

‘ Why on earth Pieter Nabbe only started singing and writing songs after he turned 45, is a mystery.’the miserable.”

MUSIC MAKER, Harry de Jong


“As a singer Nabbe knows how to direct every, well chosen word with his distinct and sometimes gravelly voice, as a composer he writes songs with a bottomless melancholy. [..] In The Garden hasn’t got a single weak song. […] This is not just a very good album. One should bow for his outstanding collection of songs and take one’s hat off.”

LUST FOR LIFE, Chris van Oostrom


“Pieter Nabbe did place striking, emotional songs on the record and surrounded himself with a bunch of good musicians who provide his songs with provocative/ stimulating accents”.



“Not only vocally, but also musically this album fits well together. Without too much fuss. Thats how the lyrics of Nabbe get the space they deserve […] The narrator uses – almost as in Jerzy Kosinski’s calssic roman “Being There” – the garden as a metaphor for life, death and continuing stronger en wiser. That’s how Juneville from Nijmegen created something pretty out of the miserable, in the silence that falls after the storm”.

KINDAMUZIK, Niels Steeghs


“Straight from heart, poetic lyrics and subtle arrangements performed by fine musicians, that is what Nijmegen based Juneville offers to an admiring audience. This is a promising band!”

Apeldoorndirect, Pedro Waldenaar (about show @ Gigant Café Apeldoorn)


“Tonight first and foremost we have experienced honesty and passion. With their second album Obey the Heart, the band explores new directions and offers the audience a powerful show in a remarkable balanced set of outstanding songs.”

3voor12 Gelderland, Patrick Struijker Boudier (about Releaseshow @ Doornroosje Nijmegen)